24 August 2007

Has it been a month??

Wow! I guess it has. E went to his dads for two weeks. Jenn and I spent a week on vacation while he was there. We got back okay. Got back into a routine and school started this week! Whoa! Jenn and the boys all in classes. Both the boys are full day this year! Wahoo! Jenn doesn't have class on Fridays so she is home today trying to put the house into some semblance of order!

I have been busy busy at work with getting the new fiscal year started. I think I am finally finished up with FY 2007 stuff and have FY 2008 in order and going. Yay!

We got new windows on the house last week and this week they started residing it! I am so stoked. It is beautiful! I will post a before and after when they finish.`

1 comment:

kukupai said...

Hi, I'm from Tallinn, Estonia