22 September 2008

Social Spark

I have found more awesome blogs through SocialSpark recently. It is really cool. It is great to see all the other "mommy bloggers" out there, like me, and college students, politicos, and just funny people sharing their sense of humor. I always like finding a new blog to read! And the other great thing about Social Spark is that you can increase readership in your own blog as well, or blog about different opportunities that interest you or fit with your blog's theme. And you can even make a little cash in the process. Most of us "mommy bloggers" can use a little extra. I know that I can!

I have been out of the loop for awhile now, since we have been preparing for the wedding and Jenn and the kids have just gotten back to school AND stuff at my office has been crazy and stressful, but the other day I got an email from Social Spark talking about sharing my thoughts about them and their site and I thought, that is great, because I really think they have a great things going and the more people out there who get involved, the more their messages in their blogs can be heard by people.

I know that my blog is just a mish-mash of my life and my kids and things that I am interested in and probably not a lot of people are out there waiting for my next post! LOL But some of these bloggers are really great and have a lot to say! Check it out!


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