19 September 2008

Weekend! Woot!

I have never been so happy for it to be the weekend! OMG! What a long, long, LONG week. I worked early and/or late all week and I am exhauseted. On top of that, Jenn and Eli have both been sick and missed school this week some. It's just been crazy.

Work is really stressful and because we have had people leave, I have been on major overload, trying to keep up with an extra job and parts of other jobs. Everyone has. It has been just nuts.

I am looking forward to going out to eat tonight and to bed early. Tomorrow I have to show my face at a golf tournament, and that hopefully won't last long because a HUGE suprise for the boys is coming!!!

Shhh... don't tell!! It looks like this but also has monkey bars.

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